


Safe, Relief, Delicious. (NO MSG)

We AFURI cherish "the power of the ingredients". From the beginning, we do not use artificial ingredients like coloring agents, food preservatives, chemical umami seasoning, etc. Day-to-day we make every effort to create safe and delicious products that can be enjoyed by small children and those who are concerned about their health. The most thing we are particular about is our Dashi. We make our best to complete AFURI ramen just before serving it to our customers, to make its state the most fragrant.





Pure water that springs to the foot of Mt. AFURI. Fresh chicken broth and pork, kombu and niboshi. A number of carefully selected ingredients such as dried bonito and aromatic vegetables. We AFURI deeply respect every ingredient used as well as its land and producers. We spare no effort to bring out the best from its power. In addition, based on the idea that using food means "to have life" and being grateful to it, we thoroughly use the second and third uses of the ingredients.



私たちAFURIでは、食文化や生活習慣が多様化した現在において、らーめんもそれに応じて変化し続ける必要があると考えております。使用食材をすべて植物性のもので統一したヴィーガン向けの商品として「彩り野菜のヴィーガンらーめん」を。糖質制限やダイエットなど健康管理を気にかける方向けの商品として、こんにゃく麺(変更)をご用意しております。 おかげさまで日本国内にとどまらず、世界中のお客様よりご愛顧いただいております。 *アレルゲン情報はこちらからご覧いただけます。

Consideration for dietary restrictions

We AFURI believe that in the current situation where food culture and lifestyles are diversified, it is necessary for Ramen to keep changing accordingly. Thus we created Seasonal Vegan Ramen as a vegan product that unifies all the ingredients exclusively from plant origin. Konnyaku noodles are available as an option for those who care about health management such as sugar restriction and diet. Thankfully, AFURI has been favored by customers not only in Japan but from all over the world.*AFURI allergen information



To all our visitors coming to AFURI

Since opening our first shop in 2001, we have made a step forward under the policy above. We are grateful that evaluation from around the world has increased. However, AFURI's work is still on the way. From now on, we will continue our daily efforts to make every bowl of our AFURI ramen resonate with our visitors' hearts.

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